Contact Us
1415 South Voss Road
Suite 110-554
Houston, Texas 77057-2611
Frequenty Asked Questions
As of 1Q 2024 we provide analytics for the ERCOT, PJM and New York markets, and we are building capabilities to provide analytics for all markets by 2Q 2024.
For a project analysis in ERCOT or PJM the delivery time is 24 hours from the time you have delivered all required data files for a site. If the project site is not in those markets, we will quote a time frame, but it will generally be less than three (3) business days. We expect to be able to accelerate our analysis capabilities for Texas ERCOT, PJM, and New York markets to 24 hours or less by the end of Q1 2024.
Our platform is built on highly scalable analytics technologies. If you create a deal name for each distinct site and upload the required data files for each deal name, there is no limit to how many sites.
We assess investments in solar, battery and natural gas reciprocating engines to the extent that each is a commercially available option in a particular market.
The DE DealViewTM platform assesses and allows comparison of each project among a cash-purchase basis with or without financing, and from a 3rd-party-owned or power-purchase-agreement basis.
Our objective with the DE DealViewTM analytics platform is to provide a rapid and thorough financial analysis at a very low cost. Our analysis is not an engineering grade feasibility study which would typically cost well into the five figures and take site visits and weeks of time. We desire to help our customers initially qualify an investment opportunity and then facilitate a more involved process with qualified suppliers and developers.
We use several methods to obtain information on suppliers and developers, including our direct recent interaction on requests for proposal. Out of respect for the confidential nature of some of that information, we only share information that the supplier/developer is comfortable with us releasing. Confidentiality is paramount for both our customers’ information and that of suppliers/developers who look to Distributed Energy Clearinghouse to be a scrupulous and respected market intermediary.
We customize our fees to take into account the requirements of the customer or subscriber. We desire to work with customers who have multi-site and multi-market requirements as well as smaller end-users and energy brokers who are trying to figure things out. At the end of the day, we want to bring transparency to the market to help answer questions and accelerate investments in distributed energy systems.
Yes, if a customer has multiple sites or is in the business of working with customers with multiple sites, such as an energy broker would have, we can work together to tailor a solution that works for your business.